Saturday, March 24, 2012

Homework Due Tuesday, March 27

1. Look at the images below.  The first is a chart of different ways to layer lines (a.k.a. "cross-hatching") to create tones of light and dark.  We worked with this technique in pencil earlier in the semester.  The first two drawings are contemporary still life drawings followed by a few ink drawings by Rembrandt.  All these artworks use a combination of contour line and cross-hatching.  A couple of them also work with ink washes (the last two images).

2. Do a drawing using black india ink and a bamboo pen or calligraphy pen (or both) on bristol paper.  The final piece should be no smaller than 9 x 12 inches (you can do a large drawing if you'd like).  The subject matter should be drawn from observation (a landscape, still life, etc., not an image from a photo).  Use cross-hatching as a way to create shading and spend a minimum of 3 hours on your drawing.

3. If you've used ink before, you can incorporate some ink washes in with the cross-hatching like in the last Rembrandt drawings.  If you haven't used ink before, stick with the cross-hatching and contour lines only, and don't worry if things get messy -- if they do, you can stop your drawing and start one or more drawings but still spend a total combined amount 3 hours (or more) drawing with pen and ink.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

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